{{#1}}<\/strong> has been updated.","6dg7xt":"The following steps are taken to select translators for LEX-Cloud:","714txv":"Thank you for your interest and support of Lexcode.","77brx9":"{{#1}} has accepted the posted project.","7ct9w7":"Finally, please complete the sign-up at the bottom to finalize your registration as a Lexcode translator.","859o0p":"Download the sample test file below, translate it, and then click the [Submit Test File] button to submit it","884x78":"Please follow the link below to view your quotation.","8x15vh":"Please enter the following number in LEX-Cloud to complete the verification process.","95g3gc":"Failed<\/p>","alx3o1":"Selected.","aqqjr1":"Log In","ayf61p":"Use the power of language to create opportunities, and go beyond barriers, with Lexcode.","az19ry":"Dear {{#1}},
Congratulations on passing the sample test.","c2oeyc":"Your quotation request has been received.","ci3wes":"Sample Test Result","dfjms3":"You received a new request from {{#1}}","dp2rvv":"Quotation","dpmkom":"First Delivery Completed","dwf5u4":"{{#1}} requested an order.","ecv2fr":"Mail delivery failed.","ega1mr":"Congratulations on joining LEX-Cloud {{#1}}!","f0g42p":"characters","f387x0":"12F 6780 Ayala Avenue Building, 6780 Ayala Avenue, San Lorenzo, Makati City, Philippines 1223","frl998":"A delivery request has been received.","gfr4g6":"Unfortunately, the results of the sample review show that your style doesn't meet our standards.","h9rwb3":"The Next step is Sample translation tests<\/em>.","hkw3dr":"You can't edit or modify while the review is in progress.","ifnpit":"Hello!","iwbf7p":"The following steps are taken to select translators for LEX-Cloud:","izfy3w":"View Quotation","kai9ck":"Words","kgdvox":"Lexcode would like to offer {{#1}} a translation for the following price.","kl6703":"* If you don't want to proceed with this project, please log in to your account and click the \u201cCancel\u201d button. Kindly select the reason for cancellation so that we can give you a better service next time. Thank you!\u200b","kuvy83":"Redemanded","l43zam":"Field","lpfn9v":"Your temporary password is
{{#1}}","m59p6g":"Sign up","moriqp":"Welcome to LEX-Cloud!","mwrbwl":"Thank you for your interest in applying in Lexcode.","n9ldlw":"Reason for cancellation","najlkh":"Your BAVL account: Email address verification","nxb9od":"Criteria","ny7mxz":"Accept","ohibeo":"Here is your authentication key.","pr48k1":"Language pair","qmepu3":"You have a deliverable that has been finalized.","r16hv0":"Thank you for using LEXCloud.","ra0ank":"The project recruitment is now closed. We'll contact you for another project.","rb630v":"Final Checking","ruxgz3":"You can modify your application history by clicking 'Modify Application Information' below.","s8elz1":"The video interview date is on {{meetTime}}.","s9r5hl":"Quotation Name","smt5ws":"*If you need more time, contact us at tr.recruit@lexcode.com.
\r\nThe test will fail when you send the files late without any coordination with us.","srlkjr":"Project Assignment","t1jr1z":"Decline","t8bl8v":"Should you need to reschedule your interview, please message us via LEX-Cloud Messenger. (tr.recruit@lexcode.com)","ta5ris":"Hi, {{#1}} ({{#2}})!
Thank you for joining BAVL.
Please log in now, take the online test, and ready your account to start BAVLing with us! ","tdukif":"Please make sure to include your name in the name of the file. ","tfqdqc":"Canceled Quotation","tqfh73":"There's a new job post.","tz75ah":"Congratulations on joining {{#1}} ({{#2}})","u73hsl":"LEX-Cloud - Sample File","uespm5":"Change Project Status","uqsn2g":"Thank you for using LEX-Cloud!","uzaibq":"Dear {{#1}},
The sample test results have arrived.","v2gnud":"Modify Application History","v89gqj":"Failed","vi8ouu":"Project Postings","vosunz":"Evaluation Comments","vw72ac":"Thank you for taking the time to complete the test.","w6y0gv":"Status","xi65cy":"Project Cost\u200b","xrjpom":"Delivery Completed","y0fpsl":"Go to LEX-Cloud","yf5o2s":"Your quotation is now available.","yjac68":"Final Submission Completed","yk4hxn":"Translation fee unit price","yzxqk3":"Follow-up Quotation Confirmation for:\u00a0{{#1}}","z5qeg6":"Passed<\/p>","z696qa":"After reviewing your application, unfortunately, we were unable to identify any requirements that meet our selection criteria.
Nevertheless, we would be happy to consider if you would like to send us a sample of your skills as a translator or a reason that we can refer to.
Thank you again for your application, and we hope to meet you at a better opportunity. ","z8tkj0":"Revision Submission Completed","zirtpx":"Rejection Reason","zv6aja":"Your requested document has been translated.
\nClick \"Go to LEX-Cloud\" and check the output!
\nThe Output is permanently stored in Your Account.","016bhf":"I agree that my content will be used to develop artificial intelligence or machine learning solutions for commercial and noncommercial purposes.","03fot1":"Using LEX-Cloud analytics, you can obtain information about your projects, such as word counts, language pairs, subject matter, and more. Graphs that are easy to understand will help you comprehend these findings more quickly and efficiently.
\r\nAfter finishing a project or before beginning a new one, it\u2019s important to perform data analysis for strategic planning and record management.
\r\nTracking crucial patterns will help your company improve its operations. ","066yr8":"BBB is a national strategic research center that conducts critical studies to respond to the national infectious disease crisis. The institute engages researchers and develops research capabilities in virus and human immune system subjects. In line with BBB\u2019s vision, we will focus our research on new virus-related fundamental breakthroughs and the accumulation of knowledge, while simultaneously playing a central role in virus research networks across the country.","067vhr":"Get PHP 500 off your first LEX-Cloud order!","0h865z":"Your password is not secure.","0hw6l3":"Our vendor management team will review your application and reach out to you via email.
Sample test files will be sent via email to those who pass the initial assessment. Please complete the test and upload it. ","0jbahe":"Resident registration number ","0l87v4":"Hours after the event is complete","0o56mv":"Experience Instant Document Translation","0t6d8j":"Preferential treatment","0t8lt8":"Please agree to our Terms of Service.","0uadet":"Your expertise","0vqyns":"Through our platform, we collect, annotate, and standardize language data required by various research institutes and industries without restrictions on the type of text and voice data that are needed. Our process turns your information into opportunities. ","1022fj":"Educational Content","111f79":"BAVL can set metadata, such as speaker information, subject matter, and style, to build more sophisticated and accurate language data. From business terminologies and expertise to everyday conversations, we can create the foundation for the research, decision-making, and groundbreaking efforts of various industries.","12m4lu":"Residence Card Number","13usb6":"Veteran","16obky":"Check\/Uncheck all","17um0h":"Go to the guide for payment procedure","1bhkfe":"No need","1w7unz":"Contracts and Legal Documents","1wz3th":"Language Pairs and Daily Translation Output","1ydzfz":"Messages, phone calls, etc.","1zc85p":"About BAVL","27y2uc":"Enter without \u2018-\u2019","281akt":"
","2db56o":"Your inquiry and quotation request has been submitted.","2dn1a8":"Bias against a race, religion, disability, sexual orientation, ethnicity, gender, or gender identity ","2f3nkd":"\u201cATPE\u201d stands for our exclusive \u201cAI Translation and PostEditing\u201d process. Not only does our version of machine translation feed on the translation memory Lexcode has built with decades of localization experience, it\u2019s also reviewed by human posteditors to ensure a natural tone and contextual relevance. ","2g7bld":"Interview","2iucwr":"Get quick access to our translation and editing jobs.
Freelancers and agencies are free to apply.","2nrg9y":"214-88-17490","2rcood":"Previous country of residence and period","2szhys":"Keep all project files and access them from anywhere! Never worry about your project data again. We\u2019ll keep it safe for you.","2wr6px":"*Detailed information about projects and working fee are sent via email and SMS.","2wuc0t":"\"Your password requires a combination of uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters
\r\nFor a combination of 2, you must enter at least 10 characters,
\r\nFor a combination of 3 or more, you must enter at least 8 characters.\"","2xw3lq":"Report","33p9er":"Please verify your contact information. ","344m6h":"Affiliation and Position","35sbrg":"1\/3<\/em> shortened","361d8g":"Affiliation and title","361xq9":"We should have a lot of those kinds of cars, sir.\u200b","3axg5o":"After passing the initial assessment, we will contact you within 7 business days.","3c1o7f":"Agree to the Terms of Service","3fa3bb":"eQQui Website >","3fhreo":"Project management on LEX-Cloud is a breeze.","3j2sdn":"Performance monitoring staff","3kcnr9":"From an automatic quotation system that anyone can check in one minute and a file version self-management system, to automatic AI translation taught by Lexcode, LEX-Cloud is optimized for any localization effort.","3mlz8y":"Please enter the name you provided when signing up.","3rihjy":"The 8-Step Journal Lab Methodology","3sldev":"Language","3twx95":"Privacy Policy","3xudb0":"BAVL adapts to your needs for any language, written or spoken, and any subject matter. We create a strategic plan for any project to ensure your expectations are exceeded.","3zjyrn":"Step 4: Quality review by humans","3zr4sp":"Real-time monitoring","423lp2":"The corresponding ID is {{ id }}.","44ccra":"With Hyperlation, enjoy fast and accurate translation!","45s47e":"Your translator application has been completed.","4cavh0":"Please enter the duration of your stay.","4cc5hm":"I\u2019m searching for a car that is automated and offered at a reasonable price. An electric car that has good performance and is perfect for adventures.\u200b","4lfo5p":"2007-Seocho, Seoul-Number 10795","4mq1ch":"We will find your ID using the mobile phone number registered in your member information!","4p3m0c":"Cost","4rd3h6":"Translation - Please submit the test file.","4s800e":"Reimagine translation requests with LEX-Cloud","4sxs9o":"- Whether you need translation services","4ui24p":"Step 3: Translation data application ","4us77q":"Become our vendor","4x0djf":"No phone calls and emails needed","50qe7i":"When you order your translation through LEX-Cloud, you can rest easy knowing that it will be completed accurately and on time. Your file will be delivered on the day that was agreed upon. No extensions.","50qq59":"No costly agency fees<\/b>Save money by paying only for interpreter fees.","52qkoc":"Up to 5 people","5395rk":"Before we dive in... ","574iiy":"Thanks for applying!","5bgmk4":"Client","5lv0zb":"Log in to LEX-Cloud and upload the file you want to translate. We will notify you when your project is done, and you can download your translation with a few clicks!
LEX-Cloud is constantly being updated to improve our already frictionless process.<\/strong > ","5mzuhc":"Great, we have our newly launched electric vehicles in the market. May I know the kind of electric car you\u2019re looking for?\u200b","5pc83w":"Please enter the email you used when signing up.","5pp81m":"What's the process?","5q1ozn":"There may be some parts that would require content to be changed by part or completely depending on the reviewers\u2019 comments, so further writing may be needed from your end. After your revisions, we do everything to finalize it for resubmission.","5t8px6":"Step 7: Communicating with the journal\u2019s editorial board","5vb7r5":"Legibility","5w97s3":"My translation fields","5z3big":"Sophisticated language data through metadata management","5zaw0u":"Marriage to a Korean Citizen (F-6)","64bbb5":"Submit the test file","66vdp4":"Your account has been successfully created.","6766gg":"Accurate and timely payouts","68jqsw":"When you need interpretation, choose a versatile eQQui interpreter. ","695y40":"Immediate and convenient","6b0wr1":"Get translation with zero friction on LEX-Cloud.","6bcs6l":"Reports","6d0q87":"Your new friendly group of interpreters who can communicate in the languages of the places you visit, allowing you to travel and relate to locals with ease.","6d8kjo":"Please enter the required information
to join Lexcode as a translator.","6gmn9i":"Please upload a picture or scanned copy of your ID (front and back). This will be used for identity verification and income reporting. ","6h72wt":"Sign in with Email","6ki6l8":"Translator<\/strong>, please contact the person in charge or email tr.recruit@lexcode.com for inquiries.","6ptiad":"Manuals and Guidelines","6qbjbp":"Time","6t88y3":"Rich and natural","6u5lci":"3-5 days","6wndk4":"Our mission, which began with the challenge of dismantling the world's language barriers, has produced the world's largest global interpretation platform with 15,000 registered interpreters from 140 countries worldwide.
From global events such as international summits, conferences, symposiums, and forums to business meetings with overseas buyers and partners, the eQQui community is made up of interpreters who can meet a variety of language and expertise requirements.
Last year alone, eQQui has served around 400 export consultations and more than 200 international conferences made possible with our 10,000 interpreters.","6yesng":"Log in","73dkih":"*Comparison of time between Hyperlation<\/span> and our general translation<\/span> service","73t0s6":"Find the best interpreters at eQQui faster and smarter. ","75d20w":"Please enter your password.","75fkqc":"Up to 10 people","77ad6o":"100+ set purchase and preset","77ftab":"Pen-and-paper system","796ici":"Must be high","7atixa":"Allows real-time monitoring","7cbqhe":"This project is open to Korean nationals and foreign residents who hold an F series visa (F2, F4, F6, F5) and are native or near-native English speakers. We need accurate verbal data, so the ability to write natural, grammatically correct English sentences is a must.\u00a0","7fv8on":"4. How did you learn about Lexcode?","7gnluf":"Lexcode is open to all translators.
Welcome to join us.","7i0iwe":"We offer a platform for all your research processing, including textual analysis, keyword extraction, auto-generated summaries, abstract enhancement, and many more.","7ienux":"BIS@T is a web app accessible from any Internet-connected device and any browser. \r\nIt adds convenience to every step of trade show management, making everything faster and smoother.","7l1cg6":"[Lexcode] Thank you for signing up!","7mlc19":"Please enter the name of your company (organization).","7sz47x":"I agree with the Privacy Policy","7w2nd7":"Already a member? Log in here.","80bzxv":"Korean","83mnh0":"We ensure the novelty and significance of your research, and any potential weakness is addressed, all in clear and accessible language.","83upoq":"